Stay on this page to know How To Join Pakistan Air Force PAF as Airmen After Matric Base Complete guide will provide you here. If you have a wish to get Airmen Job in PAF then your are at the right place because I will share full detail of Airmen Registration, PAF Airmen Training Period, PAF Airmen Salary, PAF Airmen Facilities, PAF Airmen Tests, Aero Support, Aero Trade Training, Airmen Uniform and How to check the merit list of PAF Airmen, PAF AERO Trade Merit List( PAF merit list Abbottabad, PAF merit list Peshawar, PAF Merit list Rawalpindi, PAF AERO Trade Merit List Sargodha, PAF Merit List Faisalabad, PAF Merit List Balochistan, Pakistan Air Force AERO Trade Merit List Sindh, PAF AERO Trade Merit List Karachi)
Pakistan Air Force Joining Procedure after Matric, FA, FSC, ICS. PAF always provides bright opportunities for Pakistani male and female citizens to serve the nation. If you are interested to know How to Join PAF After Matric then stay on this page because I will discuss full eligibility Criteria and Aimen Induction Last Date Below.
Check: Join PAF as Airmen 2022 After Matric
Check: How Girls Can Join PAF after Matric, FSC, ICS

How To Join Pakistan Air Force PAF as Airmen After Matric Base Complete Detail
Who is Airman? What is the meaning of Airmen?
Military members who serve in an Airforce and have ranked lower than officers are known as Airman.
Airmen Trades & Eligibility Criteria
Following is the trades list and eligibility criteria on which eligible candidates of Pakistan may apply online for PAF Jobs.
- Aerotrades( Aero Support & Aero Technician)
- MTDs
- FMAs( Female Medical Assistant)
- GC
- Provost
- Sportsman
- Musician
Aerotrades: It includes all technical and non-technical trades. Like Avionics(Air) Avionics(Ground), Weapon, Engine Mechanic, Electro Mechanic, Air Frame Mechanic, Electro-Optics, It assistant, etc. These Trades are allocated on the basis of Initial+PTTS training ( PAF Airmen Academy Korangi Kreek Karachi) Performance
Read About: How To Join Pakistan Army as Soldier after Matric
All detail of these trades is given below, read carefully, and apply online according to your eligibility criteria.
How To Join Pakistan Air Force PAF as Airmen After Matric
- Gender: Male
- Martial Status: Unmarried
- Age Limit: 15 ½ to 20 Years
- Height:163 cm
- Qualification: Matric Science having 60% marks in aggregate. Minimum 33% marks in Physics,
- Maths and Chemistry and 47% marks (70 or above out of 150) in English
Eligibility of Rural Area Candidates:
Matric Science having 50% marks. Minimum 33% marks in Physics, Maths, Chemistry and
English (50 and above marks out of 150) are eligible for all trades of airmen cadre.
Aero Technicians
following is the eligibility criteria for Aero Technician trades for Pakistan Air Force PAF Jobs on Matric Base.
- Nationality: Pakistani
- Martial Status: Unmarried
- Gender: Male
- Age Requirements: 15-19 Years
- Qualification: Matric Science with 1st division but FSC pre-engineering candidates will give preference. Candidates must have 60% marks in total and 40% marks in physics, chemistry, maths, and English are eligible to apply.
- Aero Technicians in PAF Salary: PKR 20000 to 50000/month
How to join Pakistan air force PAF After Matric, FSC for females
Female Medical Assistant(FMAs) Eligibility Criteria
- Gender: Female
- Martial Status: Unmarried
- Age Limit: 16-22 Years
- Height:147 cm
- Qualification: Matric with Biology subject securing 60 % & marks in aggregate and 47% marks (70 or above out of 150) in English. Candidates condoned with a star in only one of the subjects i.e Urdu, Pak Studies, Islamiat are also eligible.
- Rural Area Candidates: Matric Science must have 50% marks. Minimum 33% marks in Physics, Maths, Chemistry, and English (50 and above marks out of 150) are eligible for all trades of airmen cadre.
Following is the detail How to Join Pakistan Air Force After Matric as GC Ground Combatier
- Gender: Male
- Martial Status: Unmarried
- Age Required: 17 1/2 to 22 Years
- Qualification: Matric Science having 50% marks in aggregate and 45% marks (68 or above out of 150) in English.
- Rural Area Candidates: Matric Science having 50% marks. Minimum 33% marks in Physics, Maths, Chemistry, and English (50 and above marks out of 150) are eligible for all trades of airmen.
MTDs ( Mechanical Transport Drivers)
- Gender: Male
- Martial Status: Unmarried
- Age Requirement: 17 ½ to 22 Years (For only MTDs 02 years age relaxation for Driving License Holders)
- Height: 168 cm
- Qualification Required: MTDs trade qualification must Matric with Science having 50% marks. Minimum 33% marks in Physics, Maths & Chemistry and 45% marks (68 or above 150 marks) in English subject.
- Rural Areas Candidates Requirements: For rural areas candidates must have Matric Science having 50% marks. Minimum 33% marks in Physics, Maths, Chemistry, and English (50 and above marks out of 150) are eligible for all trades of airmen.
Provost ( PAF Police)
Following is the complete detail of Provost trade for PAF Airmen Jobs
- Nationality: Pakistani
- Martial Status: Unmarried
- Age Required: 16-22 Years
- Height Requirement: 175 cm
- Qualification: Matric Science with 55% marks overall and 45% marks in physics, chemistry, mathematics, and English.
- Rural Areas Candidates Requirements: For rural areas candidates must have Matric Science having 50% marks. Minimum 33% marks in Physics, Maths, Chemistry, and English (50 and above marks out of 150) are eligible for all trades of airmen.
Following is the eligibility criteria for Sportsman trade to Join PAF as Airmen after Matric
- Nationality: Pakistani
- Gender: Male
- Martial status: Unmarried
- Age Requirements: 15 ½ to 20 Years
- Height Requirements: 163 cm
- Qualification Required: Matric with Elective Science having 60% marks in aggregate. Minimum 33% marks (50 and above out of 150) in English. Candidates applying for the sportsman trade must apply to the Directorate of Sports & Physical Education for suitability. Applications and attested copies of certificates must reach to Directorate of Sports & Physical Education.
- Rural Areas Candidates Requirements: Matric Science must have 50% marks. Minimum 33% marks in Physics, Maths, Chemistry, and English (50 and above marks out of 150) are eligible for all trades of airmen.
- Nationality: Pakistani
- Gender: Male
- Martial Status: Unmarried
- Age Requirements: 16-22 Years
- Height Requirements: 163 cm
- Qualification Required: Matric Science /Arts 2nd Division having skill on any one of musical instruments (Clarinet, Saxophone, Cornet, Trumpet, Flute, Bass Drum, Side Drum, Trombone, Tubla).
What is the Salary of Airmen in PAF?
The initial salary of Pakistan Air Force Airmen after training is PKR 20000 per month but it increases with service and ends up to PKR80000 per month. Annually increment also includes in Airmen basic pay.
Guide To Join PAF as Airmen After Matric Base Online Registration
Online Registration Process
The latest Advertisement publishes in Pakistan leading Urdu Newspaper to Join PAF as Airmen every year in April and October. Online Registration start and Last Date is also mention in this advertisement.
There are two process to apply for Airmen Jobs in Pakistan Air Force.
- The first process is for Online Registration on PAF Pakistan Air Force official website
- The second process is applicants must visit their nearest PAF selection centers in your city for Registration.
- After registration candidates are given Tests date and other instructions on PAF Airmen Jobs.
How To Join Pakistan Air Force PAF as Airmen After Matric
Selection Process For PAF Airmen Jobs Matric Base
Initial Online Tests
Following is the tests pattern for candidates applying for Airmen Jobs in PAF.
Total 5 tests are allotted to candidates to Join Pakistan Airforce as airmen, its detail is given below.
- Intelligence tests: 40 verbal + 60 non-verbal questions, The time allowed 40 minutes.
- English Test: 50 questions, The time allowed 20 minutes.
- Math Tests: 25 questions, Time allowed 20 minutes.
- Physics Tests: 25 questions, Time allowed 20 minutes.
- Personality Tests: 130 questions, Time allowed 30 minutes
- Female Airmen FMAs Selection Process: The selection process for Pakistan Air Force Jobs after matric for females is the same as Male Candidates except females must clear Biology test instead of Math test.
Initial Medical Tests
Candidates are to undergo following initial medical tests
- Vision
- Knockknee
- Flatfoot
- Varicose Vein
Initial Interview
After academic and medical tests candidates must undergo an initial interview. It is a basic interview of 3 to 5 minutes which candidates may easily pass. Selected candidates’ lists are sent to Information and Selection Center and Shortlisted called for the Final Interview.
AHQ Board Final Interview
Candidates are called for a final interview in front of the AHQ Board. The final Interview will be a brief Interview. Candidates are also rejected in this Interview. So Candidates must Prepare Academic, Current Affairs, Good Introduction in Urdu and English, And Personal details briefly.
Final Merit list
How to Check PAF AERO Trade Merit List
Candidates may check final merit list online through PAF website
There will be two Merit lists for Airman first will be in Jan and 2nd list will be in April every year.
For Airwoman there will be only 1 Merit list which will publish in April every year.
Benefits to Join as Airman in PAF
Following are the facilities PAF Airmen avail during service
- Free Messing, accommodation, and uniform.
- Award of Diploma of Associate Engineering for Technical Trades and certificate equivalent to intermediate.
- Free medical treatment for family and parents during service and after retirement.
- Quality Educational facilities in PAF schools/Colleges.
- 50% concessional fare for traveling by train and air and 100 % in once year.
- Airmen will avail Opportunity for deputation and courses abroad.
- Air
- Aircrew and special force airmen will special allowances.
Ineligibilities To Join Pakistan Air Force as Airmen
Following is the ineligibility for induction of in Pakistan Air Force
- Candidates who are permanently unfit on medical grounds from defense forces.
- Candidates
- Candidates who are dismissed from any Government Department in Pakistan from dictionary ground.
- Candidates who are convicted by a court of law for an offence involving moral turpitude.
- Candidate whose documents found tampered.
- Candidates
- Candidates who provides wrong information during registration.
PAF Airman Training
Pakistan Airforce Airmen training is divided into two phases
- Basic Training at Pre-Trade Training School (PTTS) Kohat.
- Trade Training or professional training of airmen initially was conducted in ATTS( Advance Trade Training School) Kohat but now this training is shifted to PAF Airmen Academy Korangi Creek.
Trade Training Institutes of PAF Airmen
Following is the detail of trade training school of PAF Airmen
School of Electronics
School of Aeronautics
Administrative Trades Training School
School of Logistics
Information Technology School
Aero Medical Institute
School of Accounts and Finance
Provost Training School
Yes, You can Join PAF after matric as airmen with matric science overall having 55% marks 30% in physics, maths, chemistry and 45% mark in english.
After Matric Science with 55% overall marks you are eligible to join Pakistan Air Force as Airmen.
After selection candidates are to send PAF Airmen Academy Korangi Kreek for initial training. Initial training period is about 11 Months. After successful training candidates are send for trade training.
Candidates may check final merit list online through PAF website
There will be two Merit lists for Airman first will be in Jan and 2nd list will be in April every year
PAF Airmen Training period in PTTS is 11 months but in trade institutes, But it may different training period for different trades.
So this is the complete article on PAF Airmen Induction. If you like this article and if it provides complete information then please SHARE it with your friends.